Just curious if other folks experience this...I have a love / hate relationship with my creative projects. Once I get going, I keep thinking about and making more and more elaborate plans. Then it often takes me hours or days to actually complete the project, although I do really enjoy it. During that time, I find it very hard to stop to eat, etc. If I am interrupted I get quite pissed off and annoyed because I feel very disorientated and like I must finish. When I am finished I usually feel quite mentally exhausted because I haven't eaten properly, etc.
I have sworn off making a halloween (Samhain) costume this year because I have a toddler in the house and I got quite upset when I was interrupted making her costume. Which was not very involved.
Not sure if there is a good way to work around this, because once I get to thinking about a project it's hard not to start and just keep adding
It doesn't seem like I can just do an hour or two then stop and pick up later.