Ever since I moved to the city, I haven't had a meltdown. People at work would make me angry, but I'd just wait until I got home and say something like "So-&-So is such a dick wad!" to my cat and then basically forget about it until the next day when I had to deal with "So-&-so" again. I was never harassed or bullied personally at this place, a veterinary hospital about two hours from the main city. "So-&-So" was a veterinary technician who wasn't very nice to the animals and even admitted saying some pretty nasty things when the owners weren't around. Such as "I'm killing him!" when euthanizing a dog. She didn't seem to understand why one of the other technicians said she was sick in the head. Actually, there's another so-&-so, she just has her head up her butt most of the time.
Anyway, I've never had a meltdown since working there (I've never had a public meltdown since I was a teenager). But I've never had one when I got home either, I'd just complain to my cat and promise I'd never let that girl touch him if he ever had to go there. The vets themselves were nice and probably never understood the full extent of what was going on at that place. I did hear "Miss-Head-Stuck-Up-My-Butt" complain how one of the vets doesn't pay her enough. They BOTH complained the other day when it was time to come off their break and get back to work. The two of them always sit together at break time like high school girls (and even talk to each other like high school girls) and I wonder why they let me sit with them.
They're nice to me and never give me any trouble personally. I've never seen or heard of them actually physically hurting one of the animals, but still, saying "I'm killing him! I'm killing him!" as you euthanize a dog is actually rather disturbing. I've also heard she plays with the heads of decapitated animals (for rabies testing) and she seems to get a morbid pleasure in her voice when discussing animals that were decapitated. Won't be too surprised if I ever hear about this girl on the national news someday.
Anyhow, in the past, I probably would have had a meltdown and potentially put both of them in the hospital or at least called them horrible names that would have gotten me fired. I no longer work there anymore (mostly because the two-hour bus trip every day. I was getting sick from exhaustion) but those two clowns didn't make it hard to want to quit either. Plus I have another volunteer position coming up and would like some time to recover from exhaustion.
Anyhow, once I expressed this to my cat (or stuffed animal, chair, wall, some other inanimate object, I usually forgot about it.) Back when I lived with my parents I could never express anything. Actually, my parents wouldn't let me volunteer anywhere and were against me learning to drive myself. Supposedly autistic people couldn't drive. But then when I wanted to leave home, my mom basically had a temper tantrum and told me I couldn't (I was 27) and would have to go to a group home first to learn to be independent. My mom was also being a massive b***h to me at the time too (why I wanted to leave home in the first place, I didn't feel safe there to the point I called the police. But emotional abuse isn't taken seriously...or at least it wasn't then or there and they believed my mother's word over mine.
My mother will never admit to emotionally abusing me but we are on good terms now.) Anyway, ever since I moved to the city, and out of the boonies, I've NEVER had a meltdown. Public or private. I've seen OTHER people have meltdowns (I don't think they were exactly 100% NT), but I've never had once since I moved. I can never tell her to her face, but I think getting away from my mother is what helped. Anyway, is it possible to be autistic and NEVER have a meltdown ever again?
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.