does bullying from a long itme ago still bother you
Okay when i was in 11th grade this boy lets call him NA. NA would bully me everyday i mean everyday i was scared to go to school because of NA. He would also make fun of me and would punch me in the back of the head when the teachers werent. He would do all this stuff to me and the worst part was he had this sick cynical smile and laugh whenever he made fun of me he would do it.
NA ruined my life the worst part was he would often hug me in front of other kids and one time i tried to let go he wrapped his arm around my neck and chocked me. I was so scarred NA got my number once from a friend of mine and i rember sitting in class and getting all these mean texts he called me pussface (i had alot of acne when i was 16 it was somewhat clever i will give him that) and he told me to go kill myself and that is what hurt the most.
I remember after that inncident i went to the verizon store and started frantically asking the women working there how to change my number and she asked is everything okay and she seemed so concerened about me. I had one teacher who was teaching in a class NA was in with me and we were in the testing room and i asked him to let me stay there for an extra ten minutes he asked you need to dinish up the test i said no i dont want to face NA.
He seemed concerened and truly listened. NA also did many other things to me. I was afriad to leave my house because he knew where i lived and told me he would bruttally kick my ass if he saw me outside of school. That was the worst part i liked a girl who was nice to me and i asked her out and she regected me.
That wasnt the worst part NA then teamed up with her and the two of them would make fun of me everyday. The real kicker was he stole my bestfriend from me who was my only friend at the time he convinced him to show him all of the texts i sent him in exchange he would show him his texts NA then used that to his advantage.
My bestfriend would laugh along when NA made fun of me and would constantly tell me how awesome he is the worst was when he said he was my bestfriend.NA ruined my life and the worst was the helpessness he instilled upon me and the nerve to say he hated me when i did nothing to him.I dont know how to move on from NA he made me switch schools my senior year of high school.
I am 21 now that was when he was 16 i googled NA and saw on linkedin NA is now working for a fiancial company and has akready gradueted from college (he is 21 as well) the worst is i am in a f*****g job training program for people with disabilities and i am learning how to work in retail while he is going to work on wall street. I dont get the NA's of the world always succed in life and it is there is no such thing as karma and they are running the world while it is people like me who suffer. I honestly dont know how he still controls so much of my life

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yes and no, i was bullied by my entire primary school class apart from 2 people i was friends with, that doesnt bother me today. in secondary school (or high school as we like to call it here) i was bullied by four people, only two were physically bullying me but the other two made sure to try and turn the rest of the class against me, i was a laughing stock as they say. that kind of still sticks with me. in college (which is the equivilant to the american high school, but with choosing the subjects and course you do) i had 2 bullies (with 4 that were kind of light on it) that encouraged me to kill myself regularly, pretended to be friends with me sometimes, and one even sexually harassed me because he worked out that i hate being touched in anyway, so he used to touch me inappropriately, like rubbing my arm or my leg just to watch me squirm.
that 2 years sticks with me even now.
so yes and no
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Only when they show up. Two weeks ago (Or was it three? I'm not sure) three girls who I went to school with sat down a table from me in the same restaurant and recognized me instantly. They started talking about me (not to me) loud enough so I could hear about what a loser I am and on and on. These girls (well women) are the same age as me - nearly 27, still behaving like adolescent children. I can't say it didn't bother me, but I had my valium in my purse (as usual) so I popped one and forgot about quick enough.
I try to not allow the anger caused by them to control me anymore. Sure, I think about it occasionally, but I use it as motivation to become something better than they could ever imagine. Time has not been kind to some of my bullies as they now rest by their own deeds (overdoses, suicides, car wrecks they caused, etc). Sometimes the best revenge of all is to live well and to outlive the bullies who bothered you, one by one.
i know how that feels.
i got picked on alot in middle school. people called me freak face, threw garbage on my food during lunch, they threw paper at me, spread rumours. i was very depressed and suicidal and everything kinda went downhill from there. but now im an adult, and im not in school anymore, so i dont really care what happened back then, and just disclose it as one of the roughest time of my short life. it still makes me sad, but i just feel sad about it and move on with life.
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.

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Trying to fight with some success but I am still to timid at times.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
I try not to think about what happened to me in the past. Let's just say it was bad. Teachers and my parents wouldn't listen and would just tell me whatever it was the bullies did to me was my fault somehow. I also dealt with bullying from teachers and my own parents. That's when I left home.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.
I really don't understand the mentality of bullying, especially ongoing like the OP's bully. If I want to feel better about myself, then I be NICE to other people, especially if they are ''weaker'' than me, not bully them and make their lives hell. I think bullying is a very selfish thing to do and I hate it.
I had to deal with mean kids at school, although not as bad as what some Aspies had to experience here (I feel for you ). It was either harassment from random boys I didn't even know, or bitchiness from girls who I did know of. Teenage girls used to confuse me. I couldn't understand how their minds worked. You had to be 100% precise in your behaviour to meet their standards, otherwise they will start laughing at you, judging you, yelling at you, or even start spreading nasty rumours about you. Thankfully not all teenage girls were like that, but I wasn't geeky or intelligent enough to hang out with the plain girls. I fitted in better with the girls who had learning difficulties and came from rather insecure homes. They were nicest to me, but they got themselves expelled before they were 16, where as I didn't (I wasn't that naughty).
The bullying was so long ago that I don't dwell on it that much. The thing that caused PTSD for me was being in an abusive marriage briefly in my 20's. I'm just glad I wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's until a couple of years after that divorce was finalized, as my ex would have used that against me.
I try not to think about it, but sometimes it still does. Like you, I've also had several people turned against me who were nice to me before. I also run into people who are very similar to the people who bullied me in high school. Even if what they are doing seems trivial if they do it regularly I let an authority figure know and explain details and their manipulative behavior the best I can so that they would be more likely to take it seriously.
There's no shame in being in job training. Actually, probably the only reason your bully is so "successful" is because he's a sociopath, and the traits of a sociopath are perfect for getting your way in the business world. Bu there's more jobs than just business. You don't have to choose between retail and Wall Street. Some jobs almost require that you have autism to succeed. Programming, accounting, secretary work, the arts... it might take a lot of research but you'll find your career.
I was bullied very badly in school. I couldn't learn social skills because everybody kept making fun of me and I had trust issues. This has screwed me up, but I keep reminding myself that things change. The past doesn't, but the future does.
I need to remind myself of that a LOT.
So you're not alone, and you have every right to be frustrated, but when the frustration has run its course, focus on changing what you can: yourself.
(I'll be honest, most of this stuff has been pounded into my head by my grandma. She gets all the credit.)
Most of my bullies are in the same situation I'm in (4 year college) as far as I know. Some of them became drug addicts and teen moms. I give the rest the benefit of the doubt that hopefully they grew up because most of the bullying happened when I was a young kid.
It still effects how I feel around people and interact. I'm 25 and at college and I'm nervous most days I go. I used to feel my classmates wanted to harm me so I felt angry even though they've done nothing. I took being bullied to be expected so now if people are nice to me it makes me feel uncomfortable or like wtf nowadays.
I used to be a very outgoing and sociable person with Aspergers when I was in high school and I was also bullied throughout high school. It was naturally a rough school which made things worse. After I finished school in 2013 I was given a chance to reflect on the six years I spent in that place. I now associate everything related to that school and the people I met there with toxic waste. I have absolutely nothing positive to say about my high school experience at all. I have fully understood why I hated my school experience since 2013. However before I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 2015, I did not understand why I struggled to deal with the bullying.
The diagnosis let me understand why I had the weaknesses in high school which completely stopped me from controlling bullying and standing up for myself. I now give trust to absolutely no one, and I have become very introverted, and I am fully satisfied and comfortable with having no friends at all.
There is a lot of irony in the fact that I used to be very friendly and therefore got bullied, and now I am very antisocial and untrusting of others and I don't get bullied anymore.
I know this is a very negative post; I am just saying it as it is.
I am 21 now that was when he was 16 i googled NA and saw on linkedin NA is now working for a fiancial company and has akready gradueted from college (he is 21 as well) the worst is i am in a f*****g job training program for people with disabilities and i am learning how to work in retail while he is going to work on wall street. I dont get the NA's of the world always succed in life and it is there is no such thing as karma and they are running the world while it is people like me who suffer. I honestly dont know how he still controls so much of my life
They go for the financial industry, because they are very money-driven and materialistic. And also for the same reason they are torturing others: low self-esteem and to get some kick out of it. You would see it better if you were neurotypic, how hollow these people are. Just wait 20 years and it will become obvious. My psychopath, who studied economics and did an internship at the German stock exchange and would have wanted to enter the industry, is now in his fifties. he has two long term therapies behind him, messed up with his relationships (big ambivalence, suicidal thoughts after seperations) lost his former mangement position within a third-grade consulting firm, his team members did not want to work with him any longer, he still earns quite a good salary, but he is definitely not successful, even he has got the sole custody of our child, he is a depressed person and lives in a messy appartment. His friends are all working in banks: one is a virgin (rather asexual than really unvoluntarily) and used to write the speeches of the big bosses of the German Commerzbank, but as he required his team to work as many hours as he did, and to still read a lot in their spare time, he pissed off people a little bit too much and he lost his former position, maybe also because he is a little old-fashioned. Then there is a guy who worked with the Bundesbank, but hasnt published an article for years, has now a very aggresive type of cancer and an unhappy marriage with a quite cold wife. Another one has stopped her job with the fomerly Deutsche Bank investment fond and got a high compensation, but she has cancer, too, plus some other health problem because something went wrong with the surgery. She now works in the Montessori school library for some hours, and might maybe have turned the corner. I think she is not very happy in her marriage either. The guy from the Worldbank seemed the least troubled of all, he also works there as a geologist, not as a financial expert, he sounded a little cynic though as for the usefulness and moral standards of the job he did there, he has no kids, and I did not like his American girlfriend that much, too tough for me.
So wait 20 years, and judge then. I was also quite unhappy after my studies, because it is difficult in Germany to get into any management position if you havent studied engineering, economics, management or law. But while I am still pissed off with the wrong people getting into power positions (or even more so), I am now doing what I really think I should do, and feel well with it. I know better that others who appear outwardly more successful, are actually in trouble. Try to get rid of your envy, even if it is difficult. Envy is never good, and it merits a bigger effort to tame it.
Good description of you bullying experience. I liked that you mentioned also those people that were really concerned about it. I pity you and all the others for those experiences, and did that also already as a kid, or when I did some teaching, even if I did not speak out against it as often or each time as much as I should have. I think if you see more that there are actually quite a lot of people who are against bullies, and just dont take bullies seriously enough and for which reasons (because they think that they are so vain people, and dont realize completely what damage is done by them), but feel sorry for not defending the victims more when they get older, this should make it easier.
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Yes and no. A few days ago, I crossed paths with an old classmate who bullied me during my MS years. I pretended I didn't knew him, so he kept going his way and I kept going my way.
No, because I have better things to think about rather than thinking about old enemies from my youth.
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
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