How does it feel to be a bat? There is a famous essay (which I haven’t read) by a philosopher of mind (some Nagel) about this problem. Nagel’s thesis is that feeling a bat and feeling a human is quite different. In humans, consciousness gains a qualitative level which makes it different from what any other animal feels. I disagree. I believe that conscious experiences are all different for all animals.
But, for humans, conscious experiences are also different for each human being for a matter of inherited characters, memories, conditioning environments, learning etc. I found desperately difficult, perhaps impossible to have someone understand how does it feel to be autistic. Of course it’s always nearly impossible to feel what other people feel. Only elemental emotions, fear, disgust, hunger, thirst, can somehow be shared. But how is it possible to share the experience of living an autistic life? Perhaps the most apt way might be this: imagine when you start to ride a bike or to swim. There is a moment in which you are someway to know how it works to ride a bike or to swim, but still you cannot do it, Then you feel anguish.
Imagine that that moment lasts all your life. All your life you are practicing to swim. Practicing is horribly hard and some point you will get to know that you will never really learn! You may give it up to learn biking or swimming, but having an easy intercourse with other people? Can you give it up without your life being devastated?
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett