Exuvian wrote:
I think the columns are all the same expression, and only differ along the rows.
So I'm guessing (any row, left to right)...
1. Neutral
2. Thoughtful
3. Bad Smell
4. Creepy-Happy
5. Unimpressed
6. Slightly nauseated
7. Sneezing in 3..2..1..
They are definitely NOT the same vertically, or horizontally. But they are progressive variations on a theme vertically (similar but not the same).Look closely.
In the vertical columns they seem to to have the same basic theme (a sneer, or a smile, or sadness).
But across in the horizontal rows they seem to have the same variation on that theme.
At the top they all have low eye brows. At the bottom high peeked eye brows.
So at the top the smile (4th column) has a resolute look (not sure what it means), but at the bottom the smile is combined with the high eye brows to give the guy that excessively wide eyed smile that a parent will have when interacting with a baby.