I dunno. People don't seem to have much respect for psychologists or psychiatrists on this board, and maybe they've had experiences that justify that, but don't forget that a psychologist has had four years of college majoring in psychology, plus five years of intensive graduate study of psychology culminating in an enormous research paper. Can they make mistakes? Sure, because often the lines are blurry between different conditions, or people may have difficulty reporting their feelings and symptoms accurately. Are there bad psychologists out there? Of course, just as in any profession. And just like someone with cancer who sees an oncologist, it is better to see someone who has a specialty in whatever's you've got, Asperger's or anything else.
I do think people here tend to forget that when you denigrate psychologists as a whole, you're claiming that you know more than someone who has had nine years of schooling on that topic. Do you know more about Asperger's than a given psychologist does? Quite possibly, as they may not have had much experience with it. Or at least you know about your personal experience with the condition. But people seem to paint with a broad brush here, and not trust psychologists in general, which I don't think is fair. My parents are both psychologists, they are both very familiar with Asperger's, and I'm sure if any of the people on here who don't trust psychologists would visit my parents, they would be very impressed.