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16 Nov 2016, 1:13 pm

Could someone help put into words so I can understand myself. The aspie terms as such. I'm trying to get a clear picture of why iam the way iam. Today was my birthday. The girlfriend took the day off and said we would go shopping for my birthday, to look for a TV iam looking into buying and to have a day out for birthday. We arrive at shopping centre(I hate these places they stress me out). Instead of looking for the TV the girlfriend decides to go clothes shopping for herself. This start stressing me out, but she asks if I'm ok with it and I try and go along with it by saying yes. She goes in 6 different shops trying clothes on. I'm getting really anxious, stressed and figgity. It's also like an intense type of boredome feeling times 10. It gets to a point where she can see I'm not good with it. She then decides to let me go to the TV Store but by that time I'm so anxious and wound up I go in and can't focus and don't want to be there anymore. I go quiet, don't want to talk to her anymore and just want to go home. We leave shopping centre she convinces me after a while to go in shopping store we are passing. My anxiety is up, I'm fatigued, racing thoughts and don't want too, she convinces me and we go in store. I don't want to talk to the assistants so girlfriend does about the TV etc After being in there a while I agree to get the tv. Then I just want to get the hell out of there quick. I get home, I dim lights,and I'm by myself,stress drops. There's more to the story but I will explain as it goes on.


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16 Nov 2016, 5:15 pm

It isn't very hard to understand. Your girlfriend took you to a place that is overwhelming to those with sensory sensitivities. She then changed the plan on you (aspies have real trouble with changing plans, because of pre-thinking everything.) You had a hard time speaking up and advocating for yourself when she asked you if it was all right (autism is a communication disorder, in part.) You started to shut down, and needed to withdraw to recharge after the experience. Pretty ordinary aspie response to the situation, I'd say.


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17 Nov 2016, 6:40 am

arielhawksquill wrote:
It isn't very hard to understand. Your girlfriend took you to a place that is overwhelming to those with sensory sensitivities. She then changed the plan on you (aspies have real trouble with changing plans, because of pre-thinking everything.) You had a hard time speaking up and advocating for yourself when she asked you if it was all right (autism is a communication disorder, in part.) You started to shut down, and needed to withdraw to recharge after the experience. Pretty ordinary aspie response to the situation, I'd say.
Seems right. The other part was last week I went for a tv. I specifically wanted a TV with a 10 bit panel. The Salesman who was a rep for that company(Samsung) specifically said the Samsung to wasn't a 10 bit TV. It was the 7 series. I was in the verge of buying it and told him so if it was a 10 bit. The salesman said it was an 8 bit. He was certain. I went away and I did a little more research. Everywhere said it was a 10 bit panel. The Rep isn't back in store till Saturday so in the mean time I have went collecting evidence of it being 10 bit. I've went to several stores(currys/pc world) asking the reps if it is 10 or 8 bit. Each one has said 10 bit,but non of them have been reps for Samsung. I went in a different (same franchise) store and got them to agree with me if the TV turns out to be an 8 bit that they will refund me. So I decided to buy the TV. But I still can't let go of the original rep saying it's an 8 bit and I won't be satisfied till I know his reasoning,logic etc for saying it when he could've sold me it there and then. It's quite a minefield with 10 bit 4K TVs and there seems to be one obfuscation etc. So now I'm waiting till Saturday to confront the Samsung rep with the evidence that is a 10 bit and not 8. My girlfriend can't understand why I won't let it go,she finds it funny. My brain is now fixated on the original reps reasoning. Can someone explain this in an ashy manner? Is it due to lacking flexible thinking? Or some other reasons?


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17 Nov 2016, 8:46 am

I understand that 100%. It's like a textbook example of what an aspie goes through under such circumstances.


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17 Nov 2016, 9:41 am

If possible try and go shopping during off peak hours such as mid to late morning.
If you are going to more then one store have you and the girlfriend agree to list the stores you going to such in exact order such as
1. Electronics store
2. Clothes store
3. Another clothes store

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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17 Nov 2016, 3:38 pm

EzraS wrote:
I understand that 100%. It's like a textbook example of what an aspie goes through under such circumstances.

I sometimes feel guilty and think I'm just being difficult. :0/


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17 Nov 2016, 3:40 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
If possible try and go shopping during off peak hours such as mid to late morning.
If you are going to more then one store have you and the girlfriend agree to list the stores you going to such in exact order such as
1. Electronics store
2. Clothes store
3. Another clothes store

Had a better experience tonight, went when it was quiet. Did everything we agreed to more or less. :) I'm getting a better understanding of why I do the things I do and feel the way I do.


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17 Nov 2016, 5:45 pm

TheAvenger161173 wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
If possible try and go shopping during off peak hours such as mid to late morning.
If you are going to more then one store have you and the girlfriend agree to list the stores you going to such in exact order such as
1. Electronics store
2. Clothes store
3. Another clothes store

Had a better experience tonight, went when it was quiet. Did everything we agreed to more or less. :) I'm getting a better understanding of why I do the things I do and feel the way I do.


Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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18 Nov 2016, 4:51 pm

TheAvenger161173 wrote:
arielhawksquill wrote:
It isn't very hard to understand. Your girlfriend took you to a place that is overwhelming to those with sensory sensitivities. She then changed the plan on you (aspies have real trouble with changing plans, because of pre-thinking everything.) You had a hard time speaking up and advocating for yourself when she asked you if it was all right (autism is a communication disorder, in part.) You started to shut down, and needed to withdraw to recharge after the experience. Pretty ordinary aspie response to the situation, I'd say.
Seems right. The other part was last week I went for a tv. I specifically wanted a TV with a 10 bit panel. The Salesman who was a rep for that company(Samsung) specifically said the Samsung to wasn't a 10 bit TV. It was the 7 series. I was in the verge of buying it and told him so if it was a 10 bit. The salesman said it was an 8 bit. He was certain. I went away and I did a little more research. Everywhere said it was a 10 bit panel. The Rep isn't back in store till Saturday so in the mean time I have went collecting evidence of it being 10 bit. I've went to several stores(currys/pc world) asking the reps if it is 10 or 8 bit. Each one has said 10 bit,but non of them have been reps for Samsung. I went in a different (same franchise) store and got them to agree with me if the TV turns out to be an 8 bit that they will refund me. So I decided to buy the TV. But I still can't let go of the original rep saying it's an 8 bit and I won't be satisfied till I know his reasoning,logic etc for saying it when he could've sold me it there and then. It's quite a minefield with 10 bit 4K TVs and there seems to be one obfuscation etc. So now I'm waiting till Saturday to confront the Samsung rep with the evidence that is a 10 bit and not 8. My girlfriend can't understand why I won't let it go,she finds it funny. My brain is now fixated on the original reps reasoning. Can someone explain this in an ashy manner? Is it due to lacking flexible thinking? Or some other reasons?
*aspie manner*