firemonkey wrote:
Once you get a dx of bipolar,schizophrenia,personality disorder etc it's very difficult to get mental health professionals to look beyond that. This can and does result in inadequate treatment with some/many professionals then choosing to hold it against you for not recovering sufficiently.
Oh, absolutely. A very long time ago I worked for an asthma and allergy doctor. He would sometimes have to take off a serious misdiagnosis, like asthma. He explained to me once that many people carry incorrect, outdated, but serious diagnoses because no doctor wants to be the person responsible for saying the person doesn't have that. What if they're wrong? In his case, what if the person isn't taking asthma medication anymore, or goes to play professional sports, and dies from an asthma attack? The doctor could be sued for malpractice, and would also feel forever like they killed that person.
And yes, you can't very well recover from something you didn't have the in the first place.
I recommend reading up on autism and then also different psychological conditions yourself. I would imagine the first step would be to be able to definitively say where you belong and then also be able to say I know I don't have XYZ because of this and that.