Special interests have always been my strongest autistic trait and will probably always be and I'm okay with that. It's my favorite part of myself. Anyhow, my special interests are meerkats and becoming a veterinarian, more specifically being a veterinarian. I volunteer at a local animal hospital and although can't say I'm exactly friends with anyone who works there, they at least don't hate me (even though there are a few people there I'm not crazy about...but most of them are at the other location I don't go to anymore because it's too far by bus) Anyhow, they never give me any trouble about my special interests. But other people LOVE to remind me I could be a veterinary technician. This is mostly the same tutor I mentioned in a previous post (I got her to shut up about how my organizing and just focus on math) I told her that if I change my mind and don't want to be a veterinarian anymore (possibly when Hell freezes over), I'd want to study something like paleontology or cryptozoology. I've had other people, people who are actually in the veterinary field that an actual DVM (or VMD in some places) is a very different career path compared to a veterinary technician/nurse and that if my main goal is becoming a DVM, become a DVM. My whole life I've been told my non-veterinary people tell me that becoming an actual DVM is just a "pipe dream". I've never had an actual vet tell me that. I knew a veterinary technician who possibly thought it was but she was polite and never said it to my face. She said she gave up because she claimed it got too expensive (but for some reason she's still working on her bachelor's degree in biology in addition to being an actual veterinary technician). Anyhow, everyone it seems wants to tell me to give up and be a veterinary technician instead. Why?
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.