I've always been rather cautious about things because of being scared of falling and hurting myself. But there are some things that I would love to try, that are on the wild side.
I get fascinated with abandoned buildings, and I really want to explore anywhere where there's an abandoned building, particularly at night (but not on my own, I do know people who would do it with me). But the thing is everything is so protected and private, and so exploring around abandoned buildings and taking photos and stuff is considered ''trespassing'', even if nobody owns it, and then the police come out of nowhere and then you get into trouble. Then you get criticised by society if you're an adult being caught exploring abandoned places. But it's not like I would go to mess around or play, it's just that I just love exploring. Sometimes life can seem so dull and I like to do something different, and going into abandoned buildings and the possibility of experiencing supernatural occurrences is really thrilling to me.