ASPartOfMe wrote:
High Functioning Autism is defined as average to above average intelligence/IQ 70 or over, so you do not need to be near Rain Man's intelligence to be defined as High Functioning. If you do not fall within that definition you are defined as low functioning. There is no medium functioning autism for some reason.
Intelligence as defined for autism, and actual ability to function in society can be two different things
An IQ of 70 means that a person likely has a hard time processing information quickly. Not always true, but usually true.
"Low functioning" vs. "high functioning" are not so strict! They did not have much in the way of real rules for it. And a IQ cut off, if it ever existed, was never actually used by professionals. Today, the term HFA isn't used much for just that reason.
As for the OPs question: The majority of people with any kind of autism are not of the Rainman-type. Only a small percentage have savant skills. That's an isolated area of talent that is far above what most people can achieve. Like knowing the days for all dates throughout history. Most people can't do that. If someone who is otherwise pretty average or slow, it's called a savant skill. It think the statistic is 10% of autistics have a savant skill? I can't remember where I heard that. But it's a minority.
On the other hand, if you look at movies and tv, 100% of autistics have savant skills. So...yah...something is off there, don't you think?