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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 May 2007, 1:17 pm

Have any of you had trouble with the law due to something you have said that was blown out of proportion? What was the outcome?


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13 May 2007, 1:31 pm

Not the law - other authority figures... The outcome has generally been expulsion or firing. Now that I understand As better, I think I'd probably just back off and play the NT game instead of maintaining my position as a matter of principal.

Snowy Owl
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13 May 2007, 1:37 pm

The police just seem to laugh at me and appear very condescending towards me, but maybe that's all in my mind. When I was in school I had problems with teachers and a certain headmistress you didn't back off and let you get on with things they had to force their way into your work and cause friction by just talking crap.


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13 May 2007, 2:00 pm

i had a prob w/ an english teacher before. i rem she made the stupidest rules and had a very poor sense of reason. she also tried to have the school not let me take IB math and IB physics because she said i was not "mature" enough to take university level classes. i ended up getting the highest mark on the IB physics exam in my school, and in the higher level IB math class of 5 people. i think i had the second highest mark in that class b4 i broke my arm and ended up stopping going to school, and never wrote the math exam. (i had enough credits to graduate anyways :D)
lol i rem one time we had this dumbass group project, and 1 guy said he didnt want to be in a group and he would do the entire project on his own. i never bothered to say this, i simply didnt do any work on it. then the teacher started taking away points from my entire group to try to encourage me to work, but i still wouldnt and pointed out the case w/ this guy, and she said that wouldnt apply to me. why could i 'work' on my own, and simply not work, and get the 0 on my own? it was madness.
in IB physics there is a group 4 project, where the entire class has to do it. so i thought i would at least try. i went to the first meeting and saw how unorganized and unscientific the class was, so i stopped going to the meetings. i ended up not doing a single part of the project, and the rest of the group decided not to give me the lab work to "punish" me. but the idiots did not realize it dont matter what i do. and my IB lab book was selected as one to be sent to the IB w/e place for an external assessment of a sample of my school. so I, who didnt even do labs, was one of the representatives for my school :D they just hurt their own marks by not giving me the lab. its funny cuz they knew the lab was not marked to be part of each persons individual mark, it was for IB to evaluate the class as a whole.
i had another problem w/ my art teacher. i used to get sent to the office when anything at all goes wrong, weather i had anything to do w/ it or not. one time someone stole a scalpel from the bio lab, and i got blamed for it. i, who never has, and never did, take any bio class! i, and some1 else from my table, where introuble for something unrelated. then the teacher found the scalpel and sent it to the office, where they asked us where it came from. we both just said it was already there. then the next day the head of the bio department pulled me out of class and told me i was banned from the bio class. i found it very funny and tried hard not to laugh, and shes like "its not funny. you are going to fail bio now" lmfaooooooooooooo i didnt even take bio :D

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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13 May 2007, 3:18 pm

Not the law exactly but in 10th grade I put up a sign in the gym during PE class saying "When I go on a killing spree will you be there to hold my hand" because I thought it was funny (the idea of contrasting something so violent with something so tender). I hadn't realized at the time that it was a threatening quotation (I honestly thought it was written as a joke and only later found out it was part of a violent song or something). Needless to say kids started gathering around and reading the sign worriedly (I remember being confused as to why no one was laughing) and eventually the coaches came down and took it off and were talking nervously about it to each other until I came over and told them I had put it up. I didn't have to go to the principal or anything (it was an extremely small and close-knit high school....600 kids total and we all knew each other so there wasn't that threat of "who has the capacity to kill?" you get in larger, more anonymous schools), but my coaches explained to me why it was a bad thing to do and they always looked at me strangely after that. I still feel terrible about that to this day (3 years later).


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13 May 2007, 8:43 pm

I never have been arrested and I will not get arrested unless it is for standing up for what I believe in.

But back in 2001 I did have 2 incidents with mall security, 1st one in April of that year, because some girls claimed that I had scared them, I showed my ID to security when asked, and I told him I didn't intend to scare anyone.

He told me that they claimed I kept coming in and out of a store (which I was not even doing at all), so I told him where I really went, and I showed him the item I bought in one store and the receipt for what I bought.

Then a security lady told me to be careful of what I was doing, I was so mad that day and I left the mall too.

2 months later, I get stopped by same security guard, well I dealt with crap 2 months before, and being that Security are not even the real Cops at all, and they are virtually powerless (even a lot of real criminals like shoplifters know just how very powerless Mall Security is, cause Mall Security is not even allowed to touch a shoplifter, well at least in my State they can't).

Well anyways he asks me if I live around here and I ask him why he wants to know, and he tells me "you know you are not suppose to be here." and I was like I happen to work in this mall (cause I did back then), and I was also like, no one ever told me this, because no one ever did, previous time, I was told be careful of what I am doing.

I also told this guy that if he didn't stop harassing me, I was going to get a Lawyer, I ran cause I was gonna head back to my house, and being that I had ran for School Board, I considered calling one of the reporters to plant a story in the paper.

Next thing I know a Cop is radioed and he stops me (I guess security figured that I was not going to run from the real Cops). me and the Cop went into where I was working at the time, and one of the managers verified that I worked there (rumors did fly around the workplace though, one such rumor was that I got arrested).

Anyways my Mom was visiting my house, so I go back home, tell her what happened, and we go up to the Mall in my Mom's car so we can file a complaint, we find the security guard and he happened to know my Mom from when she worked at a store in the Mall herself, so she talks to him, and we find out the only reason a couple of girls said I made them nervous was because, I waved (supposedly).

No idea when I supposedly waved or whatever but last time I checked there is no law against waving in my town, my county, my State and my Country, so had these girls called the Cops, they would have been commiting the crime of wasting Police Dept time.

After what happened, I refused to go to the Mall for 2 weeks with the exception of going to work (for 2 weeks, work was the only place I went to at the Mall).

In that time frame, I was so upset that I referred to Mall Security as fake pigs (although I never called them that to their face).


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13 May 2007, 9:24 pm

I was arrested at 13 and my uncontrollable mouth got me the maximum penalty at the time. I was arrested again at 17 and I did very little talking and got a fairly lenient sentence. My advice for a young aspie being arrested is to talk little. In the case of the very young crying seems to be very good. I saw many people come and go who cried like babies as I racked up alot time showing no emotion.


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13 May 2007, 9:29 pm

The most I got done for was getting caught doing the finger at the cameras on theme park rides. After I got caught, I never did it again.

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