madbutnotmad wrote:
if vitamin d deficiency is linked to autism. then is there less autistic people in sunny countries?
Or is the study done by someone from a sunny country who is calling all other people autistic?..
The paper was published by Australians, but it was based on blood samples from Norway. A Norwegian sampling would be expected to pick up some Vit. D deficiencies due to the high latitude. Scandinavia is also a good place to do a study like this because they keep very good records on a national basis.
I still say: wait and see.
I do wonder if they controlled for education and access to medical care. People who are well educated and have the best prenatal care would also be likely to have the lowest incidence of Vit. D deficiency.
Correction: the blood samples were from the Netherlands, not Norway.
A finger in every pie.
Last edited by BeaArthur on 15 Dec 2016, 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.