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Joined: 11 Feb 2016
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Posts: 496
Location: New Zealand

01 Jan 2017, 8:29 pm

List the Asperger traits that you DO NOT exhibit, or in your mind you may feel others might not classify you as AS because you lack convincing visible aspects.
(Autistic welcome also.)

Here I go:
Friendly & talkative*
Very calm (no meltdowns)
Very coordinated
Fairly animated face when talking
Happy to meet new people*
I don't stim (though I do enjoy light scratching or stroking with a tiny piece of ripped paper or fine thin hard object, but that is either if bored or simply for relaxation pleasure, not done regularly at all).
Don't have a set routine, in fact my special interests become more like Bipolar Manic episodes and take over everything in my life - maybe I could call myself unipolar, as I don't have the depression side of Bipolar).
Though I'm getting better at limiting these manic disruptions, rest and routine are good for work output.
My eye contact can be intense, probably more than avoidance - if irregular/perculiar, and I look at the wrong things (peoples teeth first, or things that NT's are careful to Never look at, or be seen to look at - these are probably AS traits ;) )
I have Empathy
I understand jokes, figures of speech, and sarcasm. But I use sarcasm too much.
Happy to tell others about myself*
No intolerance of textures, but I do like to keep my food separate on a plate - but that just because mashing it all up looks gross and you can't appreciate each different flavour/texture then - what's the point Just boil it up into one large sludge! aka slops

These days I'm not overly trusting and am extremely suspicious of people, I read into peoples behaviour, I was always paranoid (not the fear of aliens/nazi's alter my life detrimental kind), wish I'd trusted my paranoia more - would have saved me from a lot more harm, but then I probably would not have learned about sociopaths and that would have been worse.

* I consciously don't bother with these now, due to realising what NT's are and how they will treat me when they discover that I'm not "normal" And the nasty backstabby gossip and clique hateful behaviours (Pecking orders/Power plays/Jealousy).

Here is a good location for some AS traits (not neccessarily complete or accurate - just a guide).