the only people who ever berated me about my eye contact - or lack of it - were the speech therapists who tried to convince me that other people would pick up on it, consider it, and it would matter to them like it mattered to the speech therapists. of course, they were wrong, as far as i know.
nobody besides them has ever brought up my eye contact as an issue. i imagine only in formal situations like job interviews it would be a big deal, but those situations are so uncommon relative to the rest of my daily life, that i can just suck it up and make true sustained eye contact there.
no, i don't think parents should force eye contact, but they'd do good to teach it. if there's problems, maybe this will do, it has served me well:
BuyerBeware wrote:
I can look at the eyebrows, look at the hairline, look at the mouth, look at the nose, look slightly to the left or right of the person's face and still pay attention to what they are actually saying/doing.
in some oriental societies, youths are taught to avoid the eyes and instead look at the knot of the tie when speaking to a superior. that might work in this case, but it's probably easier to pick up on when compared to the eyebrow or nose. (and they they might ask if they tied it wrong)
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