i don't like how assessors sneak IQ tests into other tests without the recipient's knowledge. that's what happened to me when i was 15, i got a score of 113. i believe if i had known i'd be tested for IQ, my score would have been different, probably because i just wanted to get it over and done with, not paying as much attention as i could have.
did they tell you?
when i was your age, i didn't study for tests at all, either, and i did fine. now that i'm in college and the pace is much faster, i've found that i NEED to study beforehand if i want to keep my head above the water, so to speak, and maybe that'll be the case for you too when/if you get there. perhaps you're not being challenged enough?
anyway, that number does not mean a great deal. it is an indicator of how good you are at those specific tests, and not much more.
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