try this:
There was a time when the human race had developed to the point of being the highest animal life form on the planet. They were pretty good at doing basic stuff like staying alive, breeding etc but had no real imagination or creative ability. At this point the aliens who set the whole thing up decided to get involved and chose one of their own species to breed with the humans on this planet. This alien was called Adam who mated with a human called Eve and from that point on there was an injection of alien DNA into the human gene pool. The alien genes are what has come down to us as 'autism', 'schizophrenia', 'bi-polar disorder' - all the stuff that deviates from the pre-existing norm of human qua animal behaviour. It is also the DNA that has given us art, science, music and general progress and vision, and most importantly it has given us religion, spirituality and mysticism and it is in these areas that we are speaking the language closest to our alien forbears. The world is time-limited and heading rapidly towards its end. Religious scenarios that speak of Paradise, Heaven etc are telling us that certain of us will be saved ie taken away by our alien guardians while the rest will be terminated ie killed in the apocalypse or left to cope with the nuclear winter that will follow otherwise known as Hell. We have been given the clues to our salvation if we would but realise it.
Maybe I need to get out more huh?