While I can respect different opinions, I'm disappointed after joining this place to find that I'm in the minority about hating this disorder.
I feel like it's never been positive for me. I've always had problems making friends, never had a best friend in my life, never had any friends I was close enough to talk about anything with them, still don't have any friends that close, only had one boyfriend in my whole life, didn't get so much as my first kiss until I was in college, have had problems getting and keeping a job, and I don't feel very happy that often anymore. I've suffered from depression and obsessive compulsive tendencies since I was a child.
I don't have a single good memory of high school, as I never had any friends there. I thought all of that would change when I got into college, but I was wrong.
I hate feeling like I have to decide between being with people I don't feel happy around or being by myself but lonely. It's horrible not being satisfied or comfortable with other people but still craving the basic human need for social interactions.
The only person I've ever felt happy with in my entire life was my last boyfriend. I was so excited everytime I got to be with him or spend the weekend at his house because it was the only time I could be with someone else but still be myself, without having to put on some normal act. He was the only person I've ever known who accepted me. Now he's having emotional problems and I haven't heard from him in a long time, so it might be over.
I think this is a horrible neurological disease and sometimes feel like I was a genetic mistake and shouldn't have been born. I'm going to have to struggle my whole life to achieve things that come naturally to most people. Most people take it for granted that they'll have people to call whenever they need to talk, or something to do on Saturday night. But for me, I barely have any of that.
Maybe NT's aren't as intelligent as us and are the ones who are flawed, but I still have to function in their world. I can't be in denial and have my own little world and cut myself off from everyone else; real adults in the real world don't have that option. I have to go to college and work (and would like to socialize.) It's damn near impossible to do all of this correctly when I'm the only person I know who functions differently like I do. I can't even find words to explain it to normal people, so none of them understand.
Am I the only person on this board who feels this way?