FlySwine wrote:
Does anyone who is diagnosed score below 7 on this short test? scored right at 7. If I took it on another day I might get less, and could see lower scores still being realized by diagnosable aspies.
Noca wrote:
8 / 9 as I don't understand question 5 to answer it.
"read between the lines" refers to nonverbal communication. When someone means something beyond what they're saying. Like if someone wants to ask you on a date and might say, "Would you like to get a coffee?" It's usually code for "go on a date/go out". The option to turn down coffee is less personal and sounds more polite than having to say "no, I don't want to go out with you".
Another example is sarcasm. Someone's had a bad day and they say "Oh yeah, today has been
greeeeaaaat..." emphasizing the word that means the
opposite of reality to create a sharp contrast without being directly negative.