firemonkey wrote:
A new study finds that in addition to autism being more common in males than females, differences in brain structure can also be a factor, regardless of biological sex. It suggests that having a brain with features more commonly found in male brains is linked to higher probability of having autism spectrum disorder. makes sense to me. I am genetically female but have felt male all my life and actively wanted to be a boy as a child. I have male interests and a male outlook and a male brain but a female body. If I had had the chance to grow up in today's world, instead of in the 70's, I would have transitioned but things were much harder then and I am past worrying about it now.
I wrote to Simon Baron Cohen's team about this male brain stuff too and he said that the data he was seeing seems to confirm that male brains are more frequently autistic. He also said that if you're a female on the spectrum there is statistically more chance of you being gay/transgendered than if you are an NT female. Interesting stuff.
"That's no moon - it's a spacestation."
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ICD10)