liveandrew wrote:
Does anyone else have issues with those bloody purple birds that seem to be infecting Facebook comment sections? I really have problems with reading text while there are birds banging their heads everywhere. I use an animation blocker on WP to stop that crap from happening with people's avatars and now it looks like I'll have to do the same for FB.
Is it just me?
If you had asked me yesterday , I wouldn't of had a clue what you were on about. I watched a video last night with the head banging bird - I didn't get it , didn't find it funny , realised it was obviously a new thing that I was unaware of but haven't seen it anywhere else. Luckily I don't have an issue with animation affecting my reading although sometimes it can be distracting.
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard