K_Kelly wrote:
I admit that it is very scary.
I don't want to die. It hurts and I'm crying over it. I hope it's all in my head.
I wish nuclear weapons were not invented. Their very existence should scare lot of people.
Now we are getting somewhere.Getting an idea about what the issue is.
Sounds like its not really "negativity" that they have issue with you about. What they have an issue with you about is exaggerated fear- something bording on hysteria.
Baby Boomers like DearOne, and myself, were the first generation born and raised entirely in the Atomic Age. But we didnt spend every moment of our lives worried about nuclear war the next day. We might have gone to marches against nukes. But we still found a way to get on with life, and live our lives.
I am concerned about nukes. But I dont loose sleep over it. I would rather be alive now (or in any decade since they split the atom in 1945) than have been alive in 13th Century when one third of Europe died within weeks from the Bubonic Plague.
A potential apocalypse that never happens is better than an ,actual apocalypse that actually does happen. Actual apocalypses (millions dying from epidemics) happed all of the time in preindustrial times without humans being able to split the atom.
In fact in the early years of the Atomic Age itself millions of children in the US died from polio until they invented the Salk Vaccine.
you're more likely to be killed by a highschool classmate who drives drunk, or drives while texting, than to die from a nuke. So if you wanna worry about dying, worry about drunk driving instead.