SaveFerris wrote:
Does checking card doors and house locks before you go to bed / go out more than once constitute OCD if it is anxiety about being robbed / burgaled etc?
This is classic OCD. Anxiety about an issue leads to a compulsion to check in order to remedy the anxiety. OCD is an anxiety disorder after all. Of course by itself it's meaningless, there would have to be a pattern of this kind of behavior.
With Aspergers or ASD I suppose it would be more general. You perform rituals in order to feel calm or relaxed and in order to function. When something happens to those rituals it leads to meltdown. Failing to perform an OCD ritual would lead to panic about the particular source of anxiety coming to fruition. eg. If you needed to check the locks but decided not to you might be up all night because you are sure this will lead to a break-in, despite knowing in your mind this fear is not logically justified.