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06 Apr 2017, 7:39 am

Has anyone here had one? I am interested in what was found. Abnormal growths such as heterotopias (little bits of abnormal brain chunks in the wrong part of the head) and dysplasias (abnormal cells growth, such as tightly folded areas, or areas of densely packed immature cells) and missing parts (I read of one patient and father, both with Aspergers who have a bilateral v shaped empty space in the mid part of their brain, like a chunk was cut out) have been repeatedly found in post-mortem and mri studies of autistic individuals.

I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.



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06 Apr 2017, 6:32 pm

I've had two MRIs of my head. One was about six years ago, when I started seeing my psychiatrist for bipolar disorder, to make sure there wasn't an organic reason for the mood episodes. As far as I know, nothing unusual turned up.

The second MRI was recently, for a study I'm participating in. They can't tell me anything about my MRI, but I'd assume if there was a problem they would have told me to see someone.

Neither of them were functional MRI's. I'd be really interested in knowing what my brain does when it's working.

synesthete, diagnosed with ASD April 4, 2012.

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06 Apr 2017, 6:35 pm

I had an MRI, but it wasn't for anything autism related. It was to try to find a reason why I couldn't keep my balance and was dizzy all the time.

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06 Apr 2017, 6:39 pm

supposedly had a number of them done as a small child... the only abnormality found seemed to be empty sella syndrome, of which they didn't sound to have any practical advice or any real idea of how that might effect development.
