firemonkey wrote:
@SaveFerris I too am one of the undxed. I have spent a lifetime looking for something that explains me and where I can fit in. The nearest that explains things after much online research is NVLD and ASD in that order.
However coming here and being in an actual ASD community I am just not sure. Hence the feeling of being an interloper or intruder(if you prefer).
You are right about the self esteem. I am hyper aware of my social difficulties from when, as a child and especially a teenager, I was rejected and ostracised for being physically and socially awkward.
I seem to be the sort that looks from the outside at all the people inside the house but can never get indoors.
Thats one of the great things about forums , no-one can really tell you are socially awkward so I doubt anyone here thinks that. Your feelings about being an intruder are just that - feelings. There is no evidence to back it up , it's just your perception of things are a bit off . And besides the only person who can call rightfully call you an intruder is Alex Plank
. Whatever your feeling , it should pass , you may just be having a bad day or feelng under the weather. Yesterday I was ready to kill myself over an argument , today is much better. Everyone has an off day or two.
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Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard