lazyflower wrote:
I'm a reader. I've read a lot of fiction books, but after finishing one, I pretty much forget the whole thing. Maybe I remember the basic plot, but everything else is just very blurry. Sometimes it's the other way around, where I remember a certain detail or scene, but the basic plot is gone.
When I talk about books with other people and they ask me if I've read (insert title) and what I think of it, I often don't know what to say, even if I have read it, because I've simply forgotten the whole thing. I just remember if I liked it or not. It also makes it difficult for me to recommend books to people, since I kind of suck at explaining what it's about, in a good way.
Is this normal? Is it an aspie thing? I find it quite annoying, cause some of the books I've read have contained great life lessons and stuff like that, but I don't really get to apply it to my life, since I forget it shortly after finishing it.
If I was describing my reading retention I would have written exactly the same thing.
Conversation memories are the same. Most are gone instantly - others stay around for ages.
If you want me to recall something and it hasn't got previously lodged in my long-term memory -
forget it (literally.......)