There is some humor that is crafted to be enjoyed by both Aspies and NTs, but in completely different ways.
I think a couple of examples of this dual-humor would be Beavis & Butthead, and Southpark.
I've noticed NTs watching B&B and laughing commenting on how stupid the two boys are, - a basic hierarchal approach to an observation.
I loved B&B for a completely different reason. I enjoyed the fact that B&B was a very accurate and raw way to display the human behaviors that go on around us constantly, but presented in a way so that most people wouldn't really get that that's what it was doing due to their own denial. NTs generally do not want to admit to participating in the exact same processes and mechanisms that they see on B&B. It IS the exact same, only appearing a little different on the surface.
In many ways the boys B&B were much like Aspies trying their hardest to be NTs. They would go to great lengths to try and emulate NT behavior, but often fall a little short, and so NTs viewing the program would pick up on this fault and feel good about themselves because they were not as "stupid" as B&B.
If you tell an NT that B&B are basically doing the exact same things that they do, the NT will respond "No they aren't. What I do doesn't look stupid like that".
This kind of thing entertains me greatly because yes it does look stupid. B&B just make it more painfully obvious.
The movie "Team America" and the Southpark show both do a lot in the way of poking fun of the memetics present in our society. I'm a bit surprised that with as much effort that is put into displaying memes in a ridiculous manner that more people really do not catch on to how deep these concepts really go. It's like they don't mind laughing about the memes sometimes, but at the same time refuse to acknowledge the control that those memes have over their lives.
Wasn't it Mark Twain that said "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they are being fooled" ?
Anachronism: an object misplaced in time.
"It's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality"
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"