The point I want to make , and which I believe a number of people whom mostly focus on children on the autistic spectrum overlook , is that we grow up. And as we grow up we gain maturity , at least as long as we are optimally socialized . So an elder with a PDD , such as for instance Asperger syndrome , is going to be remarkably different from a child . I know that looking back upon my life growing up as an autistic on the higher functioning end of the spectrum , although as I was born in the early 80's before Asperger syndrome was widely known , I was first made out to have Tourette syndrome , and my autism consequently went untreated , I am less socially awkward and have fewer seemingly strange mannerisms , compared to when I was young . So though I still have the same underlying state of being as always , my characteristics are rather remarkably different . So much in fact that the casual observer might think that I have gone into total remission . So when the neurologist my parents took me to see , when I was around the age of three , due to concerns about my hand flapping , said that it was probably Tourette syndrome , and that I might grow out of it , well even though I later did develop chronic vocal tic disorder as a young adult , as it turned out I did not have full blown Tourette's as the doctor believed based upon mistaking my stim for being a motor tic , but I have to a degree at least grown out of it , as I do not hand flap nearly as much as I used to . P.S. Though of course I do not approve of such verbal bullying , a key motivator in my getting out of the habit of hand flapping were these two mean girls in third grade taunting me with the pejorative epithet of "ret*d" . Since I did not want to continue to be belittled and stigmatized as such , I successfully suppressed such stimming , at least publicly . So as I stated before , socialization , even negative kinds , can play a factor in the modification of symptoms .