friedmacguffins wrote:
friedmacguffins wrote:
Contrary to the usual stereotypes, I don't find that NT people can't understand my hints or symbolism or blunt objectivity.
the_phoenix wrote:
Maybe they are pretending not to understand
so as to advance their social agenda.
You sound high functioning, to me.
So, what I do is set deadlines and keep score.
I set an agenda, and I don't deceive myself, as to when I am doing that.
I don't deceive other people, about when I am doing that. I make my expectations crystal clear, if I can keep their attention, for long enough.
Also, I am easy going about spontaneous stuff. The neighbor lady was visibly upset that her autisitic kid would run up to people and ""scare" them. I patted him on the back. No agenda, when it comes to nice guy stuff.
I can set agendas, too.
I think that emotionality can get in the way. I think that people give themselves emotional excuse not to what is practical and convenient.
Well, that can be counted.
I can't budget everything, and everyone, but I can budget myself.
You sound high-functioning too ...
only, in a different way
because I'm not certain I entirely understand this
keeping score of yours, and budgeting ...
I'm better at being unconventional and doing my own thing
regardless of how "normal people" might react ...
especially if they've shown they won't accept me
... my personality is eerily similar to the infamous Q of Star Trek.
Though like you, my heart can melt at the sight of innocent children ...