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Did anyone experience Technical Difficulty in the last W.P.N Crash?
Yes 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yes 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
No 40%  40%  [ 8 ]
No 40%  40%  [ 8 ]
I don't know 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I don't know 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I don't care 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I don't care 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
All PC's can go to hell 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
All PC's can go to hell 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
All Macs can go to hell 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
All Macs can go to hell 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
Websites suck 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Websites suck 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 20


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12 Jun 2005, 4:50 am

I have put in a temporary harddisk for
now. I am back in my online accessibleness.
:D :D :D :D

I will now resume posting. I still wonder
if others experienced this problem from
the site crashing.
8O :? :evil:

Right now, I borrowed a 4gig temporary
harddrive. I am able to go on this site
again. Boy, was it miserable. I will
eventually get a 10gig or 20gig installed
for better reliability.
:D :wink:

Hmmmmm? My day was VERRRRYYYYYY
silent. I am currently taking notes from
2 Autism study books that I intend to
create forums from. Otherwise being
in a silent hostel room on 5th and Harrison
was not enlivening. I slept alot and felt
:oops: :cry: :? :cry:

I am glad to be back, even though it is
with a temporary 4gig PB drive I had
to borrow and setup.
:? :? :?

I am also glad I setup a "E-Gh-Br-Syst".
I don't want to endanger my account(prime
one). As a precaution, I slimmed down
this temporary harddrives installation to
9.1 basics, Explorer 5.1.7 upgrade, ONLY
Quicktime 6.x, and my Wifi card setup.
This is to keep it simple. I also installed
the Norton 5.0 utility and keep Norton
File saver on at all times. It was like
being in a tomb.
:? :evil: :? :evil: :?

Right now it is 2:37am on a Sunday morning
and I am now online. I missed being here
at WrongPlanet. You guys and gals are
:? :D :P :D :P

Thankyou for keeping a eye on my accounts.
:D :D

Sincerely, Your friend
Ghosthunter :D :D :D :D


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12 Jun 2005, 5:06 am

I don't get it, the site has nothing to do with the health of your computer!


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12 Jun 2005, 5:29 am

All I can say is it started happening
after the last website crash. No one
is being blamed. I was making a
curiousity statement as to whether
It wasn't just me. I am currently
using a temporary drive. What's
cool is this is a reminder to me that
is fool proof. I am NOT blaming
anyone, it is a general statement.


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12 Jun 2005, 5:46 am

I know but you probably shouldn't blame your computer when you have a problem with the website. The two are unrelated. The website will not affect your computer, only your computer can affect your experience of the website.


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12 Jun 2005, 11:26 am

I'm just glad you are back!! !


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12 Jun 2005, 8:41 pm

I am glad to be back. It is amazing
how one can be impacted by others,
or others impacted by one. It creates
a addiction? a need?

The real fix is another computer. I am
eyeing a Pismo PBG3 at 500mhz/20g/DVDx2/
100mhz bus/Firewire(2)/USB(2)/ and
it will be the most advance Mac that I will
have owned to this date. It will set me
back (5) $100 bills, and due to the fact
I don't want to put money into this lemon
I am currently using, the temporary harddrive
will have to do until I replace my "Spare"
PBG3. I never had so many problems
in the first month of my other PBG3.

Thankyou, BeeBee!


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12 Jun 2005, 9:31 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:
I am glad to be back. It is amazing
how one can be impacted by others,
or others impacted by one. It creates
a addiction? a need?

Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm way too addicted to this place, and I was amazed how much it affected me to have my internet connection down for the past week. (Thankfully it's working now... I just hope it lasts!)


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12 Jun 2005, 10:08 pm

Where else can you express PG17
thoughts and ideas, and questions.

And as you get to know other people
online you learn to appreciate yourself
as well as others. Too bad it doesn't
always apply to the outside world.

How is your stay so far at home?
Is you internet up and running?
Are you borrowing(cough!-stealing)
your friends internet?
and feel free to peruse my past
posts(I suggest the last 10 pages-
whew! that's a lot. I have one
on my mother, this site crashing,
my 1000th post, ect....!)



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12 Jun 2005, 10:59 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:
Where else can you express PG17
thoughts and ideas, and questions.

And as you get to know other people
online you learn to appreciate yourself
as well as others. Too bad it doesn't
always apply to the outside world.

One step at a time. The better you get at online, the more those same skills will work in real-time. At least that's how it's worked for me.


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13 Jun 2005, 12:06 am

I have a thread on my mother I want
you to peruse. I also hope you do
a review of my other threads in the
last 10 pages. Hmmmmm? Just making
sure you got this, especially some
insight into why I am always feeling
alone and my mother.


P.S.....Welcome back Pyraxis! :D