Understanding Sensory Overload
Hey guys, as I said in my intro I came here to try and understand my mind better. I figure this would probably be best by tackling individual topics as I will probably have more questions once I get responses. Also, as some of this may be "you just know" sorts of things, I want to say that I am the type that does not do well without full information. I hate saying things are if I don't really know. I am more likely to say "I think" or "probably".
Obviously from the title I want to start with sensory overload first. This is one area that I wonder if I don't fit the spectrum due to most everything I read relating to specifically auditory or visual. I can't necessarily say I have these from what I understand, unless you want to include the fact that I have had migraines since I was 3. That being said, texture and touch can drive me up the wall. Anything coarse like sandpaper or those pedi-egg things bother me greatly. I also can't stand foods like beans, roast meat, nuts, or poorly made sauces that end up griddy.
The closest to the stated auditory overload would be that if at work things start to get busy, the buzz and hum of lots of people can make me start to feel panicky. I can usually push myself past this unless I end up in a socially uncomfortable situation to compound it. Also, I don't know if this would count as overload, but if there is lots of other noise, it can be impossible for me to concentrate on what I am trying to. Someone talking in noise I have to ask them to repeat themselves or wait. If I'm trying to read, I can have to cover my ears just to muffle everything enough to get through the line.
I hope this doesn't sound too stupid or anything. I just really want to understand my head. There also is the potential that there are things that I do or react to that I don't realize. I'm not very good at observing myself. Thanks for listening if nothing else and I hope this finds you all well.
Tell ya what, let's begin with something about that 'spectrum' word.
http://the-art-of-autism.com/understand ... planation/
A way I came up with years ago to explain it is, "This stuff has 300 possible effects, here, roll this handful of dice and see which 15 you get."
"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for showing me that. With regards to the rest of what I did though, I'm just unsure if my experience in noise would be overload. That and the fact that everything I see talks about only the lights and noises, or at least that's the only part that registers when I read.
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