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14 Apr 2017, 8:39 am

Does anyone else have severe difficulties in this regard?

I can hear sounds as they should be heard, but I have a tendency to forget what someone has said almost straight away after hearing it. I never remember lyrics to songs that I have listened to hundreds of times, and I misquote lines of dialogue from TV and films, too. I don't know if it's an auditory processing disorder or not, but it certainly inhibits my ability to learn new things. My brain seems to be unresponsive to all forms of information. :o

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Tufted Titmouse
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14 Apr 2017, 3:19 pm

Definitely yes to forgetting what others have said, but I can easily recall and play back hundreds of songs that I've been exposed to. I wouldn't be able to tell you the lyrics though without playing it through in my head first.

Quotes are a little less clear than music, but I'm still quote good at remembering and recognizing them. My dad, brother, and I frequently annoy anyone around us with our constant TV and movie references; mostly from The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Monty Python, The Big Lebowski, and The Last Unicorn.

Sometimes snippets of dialogue or songs will get stuck in my head for hours, and they can be incredibly difficult to dislodge.

I guess it's just a matter of interest...less neuronal activity devoted to "unimportant" things like job instruction and organic chemistry lectures than to hearing the term "starboard nacelles" in Star Trek.

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14 Apr 2017, 4:56 pm

Yes. One of the reasons I wonder why I even bother going to school to learn. I never retain anything I'm supposed to learn in class.

Also, depending on the stress level, when someone gives me a simple direction like "open the door", I'll end up thinking:

"What am I supposed to open?"
Or "What am I supposed to do with the door?"

I've also wondered about auditory processing disorder, but I think language processing disorder might describe it better.

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14 Apr 2017, 6:29 pm

I have this to a degree. Forgetting or stuff not registering in the first place. But I can remember a certain amount of movie dialog and song lyrics, if I listen to it enough times.

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14 Apr 2017, 6:57 pm

Yes, I struggle with this every day of my life. I have to make myself lists or I wont remember it. At my last job, I made a large dry erase board for my boss to write down what he needed me to get done each day, or if there were "hot" jobs that needed taking care of before anything else. Worked well for me and kept him happy. Mike

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14 Apr 2017, 8:15 pm

i hear a lot of gibberish and rely on lip reading, other cues, and cognitive detours to help decipher auditory language. i also can't recall easily.
basically, i can't understand what the lyrics are saying and if someone tells me and i know what they said i'll probably end up forgetting anyways.

oh and then if it's too loud it feels like its punching my brain.

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Apr 2017, 2:14 am

seaweed wrote:
i hear a lot of gibberish and rely on lip reading, other cues, and cognitive detours to help decipher auditory language.

This, so much this.

I want to learn different languages but this is such an impediment that the best I could probably hope for is to read and write in one.

When listening to songs I will look up the lyrics to follow along if it is too fast paced for me to process.

Recall is tough, if there is too much activity around I just can't. I wouldn't be able to count the number of times I've had to ask someone to repeat themselves. At other times it feels that I'm processing what was said in the background but it takes a bit for it to catch up, so by the time I'm asking "what was that?" I remember and I have to cut them off in the middle of repeating it.

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15 Apr 2017, 5:32 am

seaweed wrote:
i hear a lot of gibberish and rely on lip reading, other cues, and cognitive detours to help decipher auditory language. i also can't recall easily.
basically, i can't understand what the lyrics are saying and if someone tells me and i know what they said i'll probably end up forgetting anyways.

oh and then if it's too loud it feels like its punching my brain.

Auditory recall is difficult for me, but like others if the information is written down it frees up my mind and I can focus on completing the task. To understand the lyrics I need to read them as I listen to the song, I never realised how poetic songs could be until I started doing this.


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15 Apr 2017, 7:54 am

I think it might be CAPD, which is a common co-morbid of ADHD. I don't know why but
sounds seem to dissipate from my mind almost instantaneously. It makes getting to know someone quite a challenge, and I can perhaps appear disinterested and ignorant when others expect me to recall what they have said to me.

I hope that dietary changes and vitamins can help improve my processing of language. There are some who believe that gluten and dairy can exacerbate the processing abnormality.

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