I drive, but I only learned to drive automatic. I also need SatNav for trips that I don't take multiple times a week, and I can't drive without music on.
I learned to drive before I found out that I'm autistic. I tried at 17 and failed, having spent almost £3000 on lessons. Then, I started up again at 21 and this time passed first time.
Looking back, I see areas I struggled with a lot. I know that I had difficulties with multitasking, which is why I eventually moved on to automatic lessons. I couldn't change gears and drive at the same time.
My first instructor told me that I drove like I was 'in a bubble'. I believe he meant that I didn't seem to respond right to what was around me. Probably because I struggled feeling overwhelmed without music to distract and calm me.
I also had issues with roundabouts, where I was taught that the right lane was for going around the roundabout and the left was for coming off or going straight ahead, so if I needed to turn left or go straight ahead I'd pull out into the left lane as long as it was clear. The instructor was always slamming his breaks on and telling me not to go, and I couldn't work out why. Eventually, he clearly explained that people in the right-hand lane might have been on the roundabout for a while to turn right, and would now need to move into the left lane to take their exit, so I couldn't go unless BOTH lanes were clear. Once he said that, it all clicked into place and I understood, but I think he just thought I was being careless. I guess that was a literal thinking thing.
I'm a very good driver, now. A rule follower. I don't get caught up in games on the road like others do - racing and speeding and cutting people up.