I recently suffered a stress-induced breakdown and ended in hospital.
Because of a portion of ADHD (and anxiety), my brain is prone to racing, so I had to de-stress it.
Here is the advice, the psychologist gave me:
Concrete stuff to do each day - each morning: (and evening before bedtime).
Sit comfortably with eyes closed.
Take five-ten deep, relaxed breaths and exhale slowly.
Think of three nice, reasuring words to repeat in your mind while doing it - like "loved", "safe", "welcome".
(these words help calming your subconcious). You will probably feel your pulse going down.
My advice:
If you get bored easily and don´t know what to do away from the screen - then write yourself a list of small, not too time-consuming things, you could do to get away from the screen and regain your calm and focus.
Even things that take a couple of minutes.
Idea-bank: Take a container and some small scraps of paper.
Write each idea on a bit of paper and put it in the box. Come up with a little thing each day.
Very soon, you will have a box with single ideas - of your own making - on what to do away from the screen and in daylight. Even dishwashing would be an idea as long as it is done in daylight.
Look away, scramle the paperbits, choose one and DO it - whatever it may be
Continue "brainstorming" a little each day to come up with ideas for the box, so the bank expands.
This process alone is of help too.
Think this over:
What could your interests be, besides the net? Bushcraft in a small scale? Make a knife for yourself? Small repair? Photo? Listening to music? (not techno, please!)
Modelling in play dough to see, what your brain could make up (sense-stimulating as well).
You can take a walk and listen to music.
You can bring a camera and try to catch unusual things happening in the street or where you are - or sit in outside and read a good book. If you can concentrate on one chapter - it´s fine. No hurry.
Sharpen your ears for nature-sounds. Nature our original environment, so it calms us down.
For instance: Take 20 minutes trying to decide what bird you are hearing now. Try to catch it with your camera. Read about it. Examine a plant.
Anything, that could help you focus and take your mind off things - even shortly - and be done in daylight and without "hurrying".
You might discover new interests
Special Interest: Beethoven