Thank you for asking....I truly would like/need a service dog (&/or service tarantula, ocelot, porcupine, etc.).
Seriously, for me, I am vulnerble in my naivety and a service dog would provide some level of confidence and companionship so my insecurity is not so blatantly obvious to those who may consider exploitation. I suspect NT detect my innocence and I am mind blind. I do love animals and this would help an autistic - AS individual, regardless of level of functioning.
This may be problematic, for me, since I am a scientist/chemist and my day is spent in an analytical laboratory; there may be provisions against having a service dog....unknown. Still, a service dog would be a consideration! Then, if I sense I am being taken advantage of I would have a reassuring animal to turn to instead of dealing directly with the frustration/stress inflicted by someone unfamiliar or not amendable to my condition. Additionally, in public, my autism is, of course, not physically discernable (I am considered a very attractive/pretty female), so an animal would allow me some leeway and not be judged (ie: if I'm stimming in public, being totally alone always, nearly mute, etc.). A service dog is also a measure of security - I am honest, to a fault, and sometimes trusting to those who are supposedly in a position of authority. And, I have meltdowns (analogous to a petit mal seizure + panic attack + hysteria) and I am rendered mute during these scary episodes - can a service dog be trained to detect and maybe (sort of) assist? I really would like a service dog. Incidentally, is this feasible? You may PM me, if you know. Thanks! PS: I wrote this message very quickly, excuse errors.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown