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24 Jul 2005, 6:45 pm

1)...The Question?

2)...Statements by Ghosthunter!

The Greyhound trip wrote:
It went well, no kinks. I was lucky
that the motel was next door, or
miles to the would be the case.

I caught the Manitowoc,WI bus to Chicago,IL.
5pm to 9pm

I caught the Chicago to Cleveland, Oh!

I got there around 7am, and Mr.Prometheus
had a sign that said "Ghosthunter".

I like promptness of this.

Prometheus and the Methodist church wrote:
He does minimal video slideshows for the
Bedford Methodist Church. he had a laptop
from the church and corresponds with the pastor
on the display data.

It was a small congregation, and beautiful building.

Beautiful Buildings wrote:
The buildings here are beautiful and OLD!

the further out you go the bigger the lawns as well.

The ARt museum wrote:
It was being remodeled and had old stuff like
celtic, egyptian and art related items.

My favorites were the box of egyptian small
figurines, Celtic coins, and the Comic-striped
(hyroglific'd) mummy case!

And to top this it was only 2/3 empty for remodeling.

3)...Statements by Prometheus!

I was a bit worried that GH would not be able to come to the greyhound site on time as it sounded like a very complex trip (Mantowoc/chicago/cleveland) and generally speaking the more complex, the more likely something is going to go wrong.

Immediatley after he got to the station we had to leave so that I could get to the church on time so that I could set up the video stuff and review the material one last time before the service. Fortantly I got there on time, but the pastor was late, so I still had to rush a bit. GH seems quite sastified with his surroundings, and I was worried that the bus trip plus the constant running around for the day would wear him out. Instead, it got to me first, with a minor overload incident in the late afternoon while at the motel, after the art museum which was almost too much for me to bear.

It takes me a tremendous amount of energy to listen to his voice. I apprepieacte his dissections of the local architecture and that is primarily what we talk about right now. This is very enjoyable, because although I am aware of some of the things he brought up it was very enjoyable to hear another point of view on these things.

I will post more later, after I have had a chance to rest and think on my experiences for a while.

4)...The Question Repeated!


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24 Jul 2005, 6:52 pm

Cool, I didn't know you liked older architecture, GH. You'd have loved Savannah - the entire downtown is designated a historic district, and a lot of the old stately southern houses have been restored. (And then you go a couple blocks down and notice the IRS building which is covered in tiles like a giant inverted bathroom stall, and wonder how that possibly passed the building committee... :roll: )

I love really modern architecture, all metal and glass and sleek streamlined curves. Skyscrapers are gorgeous and it would be awesome to live near the top of one so that you could wake up every morning and look out over the city with dawn sky reflected in all the windows. Too bad rents are so high in big-city downtowns. I got to see a little bit of it though when I once stayed in a hotel in San Francisco.


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25 Jul 2005, 5:46 am

Glad to see you made it out of town GH.

I hope the rain didn't bother you at all.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...


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25 Jul 2005, 9:09 am

pyraxis wrote:
Joined: Mar 26, 2005
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Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:52 am    Post subject:
Cool, I didn't know you liked older architecture, GH. You'd have loved Savannah - the entire downtown is designated a historic district, and a lot of the old stately southern houses have been restored. (And then you go a couple blocks down and notice the IRS building which is covered in tiles like a giant inverted bathroom stall, and wonder how that possibly passed the building committee... )

I love really modern architecture, all metal and glass and sleek streamlined curves. Skyscrapers are gorgeous and it would be awesome to live near the top of one so that you could wake up every morning and look out over the city with dawn sky reflected in all the windows. Too bad rents are so high in big-city downtowns. I got to see a little bit of it though when I once stayed in a hotel in San Francisco.

I have many hobbies, I just need something to trigger the memory of them!
Modern skyscrappers are art(modern type) and when did you visit S.F?

I also wish you luck on your upcoming conference!



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25 Jul 2005, 9:12 am

Scoots5012 wrote:
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Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:46 pm    Post subject:
Glad to see you made it out of town GH.

I hope the rain didn't bother you at all.

I find this area has WEIRD weather. It rained, sunned,
rained sunned. Too hot for a wool jacket and too
vulnerable to shorts!

I hope you enjoyed my time with you, Scoots!
And I say thankyou for allowing me to meet you!



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25 Jul 2005, 9:24 am


I assume you are by Lake Erie now. If you think that is bad you should see the winters. It can be sunny in one area, then suddenly turn into a blinding snow storm (Lake Effect Snow Bands), then turn sunny again.

Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota

"Only when all those who surround you are different, do you truly belong."
Fred Tate Little Man Tate