A Circle Among Squares
The sun is a circle and so is our planet, and the shape of a halo on an angel's head is too. Squares are not very aerodynamic and why people want to behave like them, I don't know, it doesn't make sense.
I was going to some course to learn something and I got tired of the squares talking all the time, trying to show how important they are. I get enough of that from people on the street and supermarket shoppers. So I said I needed the toilet and once in there popped 3 Nurofen Plus, the UK's favourite opioid painkiller. I first became aware of it after I broke my elbow and was in terrible pain. It was the only thing that could ease the pain. I returned to the class and the focus faded out a bit, suppose I was in a film, it had changed from a rapid-action thriller to a bittersweet comedy drama.
For a while I regularly took these pills but I got a stomach ulcer because NSAIDs like Nurofen Plus have a high risk of stomach ulcer because they have Ibuprofen in them. I later learned I needed to buy an alternative brand, the Boots chain's own brand of Paracetamol & Codeine. Theirs is rather brilliant compared to other brands. It has very few dodgy additives in the ingredients. I'd be very wary of other brands, I think they may have caused me serious damage. I'd mix the Boots Paracetamol & Codeines with alcohol, not too many of course or I would get unbearable nausea. It helped me to socialise to an extent but it still wasn't enough.
I need to get some LSD (which is proven to cure alcoholism), ecstasy (researchers believe it could help Autistic people develop bonds with others because it's the love drug and Autistic people have less oxytocin, a chemical linked with trust/love/bonding in the brain), and old fashioned opium, not the synthesized codeine, because it's more natural and has additional positive benefits codeine doesn't bestow. People don't usually know this but the following people were regular users of opium: Thomas Jefferson (American President), Ben Franklin (Founding Father of America), Horatio Nelson (one of greatest military leaders in history, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo), Charles Dickens (most famous English author), Howard Hughes (renowned film director, aviation investor, one of the most successful businesspeople of his time) and Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor, the last of the Five Good Emperors).
The treatment of Autism and Asperger's is so politically correct. Our disability I would argue is one of the most difficult to live with. I'm 30 years old, have never been able to work, have severe anxiety and depression, and anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are weak and ineffective for me. Counselling flatters my ego but doesn't change my reality for anything more than half an hour. We need to be able to get better drugs from medical professionals.
Until they provide them for me I am going to take risks to find my own solutions. I hate cannabis, by the way, unless it's legal. The illegal stuff I tried and it's absolutely pathetic. Far too strong in the wrong way. Very dangerous stuff. There's no legal cannabis available here in the UK. I would try it if there was though I doubt it would be as useful for me as other things.
I'm getting a pair of yellow lens sunglasses I ordered through the post, I can't bear eye contact with most people. There are a very small amount of people whose eyes I don't mind. It's sensory, beyond normal depression or anxiety, the trouble that ails me. When I speak to other people I can sometimes barely raise my voice. I feel a terrible loneliness and isolation is consuming me. That's why I need a powerful drug.