kraftiekortie wrote:
Yep...that was stupid on your boss's part. Imagine if you had taped him? A slam-dunk for you---with interest!! !
Usually, bosses are much more subtle than that.
I would never disclose that I have any sort of disability--ever!! ! !
Some states, such as Florida. You need both parties consent to record. So the evidence would be dismissed and charges could be brought up on you.
My last boss used my disability against me... I won my unemployment case by proving an hostile work environment. I filed a complaint with EEOC, but truthfully I don't expect much from them. I ultimately just moved on and gone back to being self employed.
Canadian Penguin wrote:
Unfortunately it's something difficult to actually prove and, even more distressing, is that there are jurisdictions where it acceptable.
I lost my job last year due to the problems it causes. I did make my supervisor aware of my anxieties and ADD, but afterwards the HR representative took great lengths to point out that there was no official documentation on file. I was unaware that you had to have official documentation proving a disability.
My previous employer claimed similar... But they destroyed some of my documents from when I was originally hired, one was a Pre-Existing Conditions form.