obsession for being neat, tidy and organized?

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

Joined: 7 May 2017
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Posts: 152
Location: UK

21 May 2017, 4:00 am

Hello, this is my fist post.
I was just wondering if there are any other aspies like me with an obsession/need for things to be neat, tidy, clean and organized as most aspies I've come across seem to be messy. I don't know if this has any connection with my ASD, ocd or something, I don't know. But ever since I can remember I have had an obsession with things being perfect, any sort of mess just looks like chaos to me and messes with my head, makes me feel confused and uncomfortable. In my room the floor must be spotless, everyhing has a place and exact position where it Must go back when not in use like tv remote sits horizontally an inch from my spider plant, xbox controller next to that an inch away at a certain angle. Everything must be straight and placed the same distance from each other and the same distance from the edge of the table or shelf. Stack of Xbox games and cooking books organised from worst to best must be all straight. If I notice a crumb on the floor, a game in the stack not 100% perfectly straight with the rest, my alarm clock is slightly tilted or spaced unevenly from my lamp and air fresher thing, no matter how comfy I am, I must get up and correct it as It irritates me alot almost like an annoying sound. My friends find it funny to come in my room and move things around out of alignment became they laugh at my reaction when I get upset, anxious and irritated by it, but they put it back after. It's hard living in a flat with 2 messy friends as they mess everything up like the kitchen and when the kitchens messy I can't eat. My friends keep saying i have ocd because im always cleaning. Because if i don't, mess and clutter just the sight of it puts me in a bad mood. Sorry for the long post. Is anyone else like this?