Hmmmmmm? and slight dramatic pause than Ponderation!
Pondernation of Platitudipus wrote:
I thought I would start a thread for NEOLOGISMS. So I'll get the ball rolling with two somewhat related words:
Cognoscerate verb, 1. to think or ponder.
Ponderation noun, 1. a pondering.
loverly adj. worthy of being your lover
Platitudipus... an egg-laying mammal that says hokey, optimistic things...
Cognoscerating as he went Ponderating the sky and
it's blueness as it bleed into shade of blue and ebony
swirls that speckled it like some kind of puzzle
of wonderment that on a mind of ponderation
could feasibly concieve. His mind then
congnoscerates these infinite beauties as the Platitudipus
species that once lain here under these beaches
that share a infinite sky above.
His relationship to this land and space is loverly relationship
to the now extince platitudipus and it's sharing of these
rippling shores that wash the beach with designs
that can cause a cognoscerating mind to ponderate
and then in a fateful sweep of the cruel waves they,
the ripples and the sand dissapate this thought to
this fate loverlyness that casued a connected to
the sea, the platitudipus and himself!