IstominFan wrote:
Interaction with people who share an interest, good conversation and new ideas that will help you improve yourself
I agree, but this applies also to colleagues or acquaintances, not-so-close friends.
SkeletorsButtcrack wrote:
I'd say the biggest thing for me, is the level of acceptance that a close friendship can offer. I'm a pretty bizarre person, and feel like I've had to train myself to function socially. It's amazing when I can finally take off the BS mask that I wear around most 'acquaintances' and be the socially inept dork that I truly am. I know that you discounted "feeling good" as an answer, but I think this goes a little beyond that- it's feeling like you truly have a place in the world, even if it's small and confined to the company of one other person. A true friend will care for you, give you genuine advice, and possibly put your needs above their own if you're in crisis.
Short answer- you gain the privilege of not feeling like a shipwrecked alien whenever you're with them.
I like this answer very much, I fully agree. DataB4 also wrote something similar.