stlf wrote:
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: Jul 13, 2004
Posts: 41
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:31 pm
Post subject: Getting Married on the beach in
10 days
Well folks...don't know if any of you remember
that I was engaged, with my tendancy to lurk
and unlurk at seemingly random intervals I
figure you all probably forget about me....but
I am now 10 days from my wedding in sunny
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I still have a
bunch of last minuet stuff to get done (put mail
on hold etc.) But will be flying out this comming
monday and staying for 2 weeks. Needless to
say, I am looking forward to this vacation and
huge life step...wish me luck!
Hmmmmm? Where is the area of Punta Cana,
Dominican Republic? I am not Mr.Geography.
So that is why I ask? When did you meet her?
Does she know you have AS? ASD? HFA? or are
you a NT? Eitherway it doesn't matter since
this is a big step for you and this series of
questions add clarity to what level this is a
achievement. I wish you luck! and
good luck with the wedding.