I had four friends in high school. Two were an effeminate gay couple. Therefore, quite "different" at an all-male, Catholic, jock-oriented prep school. The othre two were a friend I had from the beginning, my debating partner, and a friend I made in my Junior year, and his Freshman, and only, year in the school.
He showed what I realize now to have been some pretty unusual tendencies, whether or not he was on the spectrum. He actually had other kids who would be friendly toward him, all of whom hated me, but he hung out with me. We both were focused on Broadway musicals (this was the late sixties and everyone else was into political rock). We went to show together. We both got interested in the Peanuts characters and bought up every book and toy we could get our hands on (remember, I was about 15). We shoplifted together for fun. We only got caught once. That was the last time he did it, but I would continue for a little while.
Currently, at 57, my best friend at work is quite clearly on the spectrum, although I am quite certain he would be insulted if I told him. He has a monotone voice, no social life outside of work, and is fixated on several things including William Blake and the Chicago Cubs baseball team.
His humor is all insults (and deosn't realize that that upsets some people). I tend to get along with those in authority much better than he does, although I mess up a lot too. He has no friends, outside of me, that I know of.
I am, as you may know, married (for 25 years) and have two autistic (diagnosed) sons. So, I have conisderably more social life than he does.
A well-intentioned administrator once asked me if I thought that this person was autistic.