Hello everyone, today I'm making a post asking for other peoples opinions about choosing a daytime job or a nighttime job. I meant to post this on 6/20/2017 but things were in the way. Anyways here's my question.
For anyone with autism or any other disability, would you prefer to work during the day or night?
For anyone who wonders why I asked....first off I tried to apply for Kroger but the store didn't want me (& that's depressing), I tried Dollar Tree but they're looking for employees for seasonal times (& I'm assuming that means during holidays like Halloween or whatever). Now I do have two jobs I can (hopefully) apply for but here's one minor issue (& I apologize if its ludicrous for those reading this), there's a janitorial job for nighttime but their won't be other people around & there's a job at Stage during the daytime with people around.
My brother worked at Walmart during the night as a stocker (before he got laid off for some stupid reason sadly) & I would assume working during the night would be easier than working in the day (he did work with other employees), I have had some janitorial experience in high school (not a whole lot but some) so I think it would qualify me. Now as for working in a department store like Stage I think it'd be okay, I don't know about working in the day but I suppose talking to other employees would be alright.....after all I would like someone new to talk too (& not hang out with people who just pity me.....but then again that's life).
Now everyone has different opinions for working in the day or night....I understand that, I'm just having a hard time deciding because of other problems in the way (which I'm not gonna say) & its probably distracting me, aside from that excuse there's not a lot of options/choices to choose from when it comes to finding a job you'll love/like. Everyone has a choice to either work alone or work with others.....there's been people at my high school that black mailed me, manipulated me, bullied me, etc. (same thing for the internet too) so there's a part of me that says "Be alone for the rest of your life." & maybe work during the nighttime, & there's another part me that says "Work at Stage during the day, & maybe someone won't just pity you or do the wrong things towards you.".....but then again you never know which is good & which isn't.
So for anyone with autism or any other disability who (hopefully) understands then I would appreciate some comments for some insight of any kind, but if you find this annoying then please don't comment. Again I apologize if this was ludicrous, annoying, etc. But thank you for reading & have a good day.