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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Jul 2017, 6:06 pm

I was wondering if anyone could clarify something for me?

Today, I took the SQ Test again and my score was 45, (lower than NTs), which indicates that I'm in no way a Systemiser. My Ritvo Test score is 162 and my EQ sore is 22. I also score quite high on the AQ Test.

If I score quite low for Systemisation, can I truly be an Aspie? Just to let you know, I was officially diagnosed. However, I might have exaggerated some things I said, in my assessment, such as stating that I frequently find myself saying things that cause offence, (a few times this has happened, but not on a regular basis, as it's stated in the report).

When I look at a checklist, for female Aspie traits, most apply to me, as does executive dysfunction.

Given, that Aspies are supposed to like systems/order, was my diagnosis correct?

Pileated woodpecker
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13 Jul 2017, 7:01 pm

Bear in mind that I am undiagnosed, but if I remember correctly my SQ is within NT range. From my research, females are less likely to display the stereotypical restrictive/repetitive behaviors, many of which relate to systemizing. Also, this may not apply to you but I know for me that I struggled to accurately answer many of the questions on that test because I lack the executive functioning skills to efficiently organize my things and such but want/need everything around me to be very organized/patterned in order to function well. In other words, I have a highly systematic mind but lack the ability to systemize thus my results. Also the Rivito is much more important/viable for diagnostic purposes than something like the SQ.


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13 Jul 2017, 7:47 pm

I scored low on the SQ test as well. I am not especially technologically savvy. I use the computer to type and look up things on the Internet and that is about it.


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13 Jul 2017, 8:03 pm

I got a score of 50. :lol:

More had anything to do with the lack of interest and lack of extreme answers, less something to do with aptitude and thinking/learning style.

For some time in years, I lost the need for consistency and order. :| Which happened after overcoming long term anxiety.
6-7 years ago, I would've scored about 75+. Mostly because I had the need, the aptitude, and the means back then.
Now I could care less. :twisted: But I still retain systemizing mind, and the means to do so (non verbally) whenever I feel like it. However, untranslated and cannot be conveyed into words.

And, I'm far from the female aspie profile. I'm also far from the aspie profile, which I would've fit 6-7 years ago.
No, I didn't lose diagnosis. Nor found a 'cure' for autism -- I don't even try to pass for an NT. Nor been no longer an aspie -- I'm still an aspie, and still autistic.
Now, I'm more into HFA profile who happened to be qualified to have aspergers as an official diagnosis.

Regardless, everyone's cases are different from each other.
Traits, doesn't make an aspie 'more or less' an aspie -- traits could change overtime.
An aspie could be social, a generalist, more of a marketer than an engineer, and so on.
What makes an aspie/autistic is something deeper than that. Something more fundamental. Aside from the hardwired brain (it is!). :lol:

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14 Jul 2017, 2:11 am

The main thing in life is love. Feelings and thoughts cause brain chemicals to do stuff, not the other way around. I guess I'm not a systemizer either. I also got higher on the empathy quotient than the systemizing quotient. (I took the test in a magazine.) I also think systemizing and empathizing are NOT opposites, but systemizing is a type of empathizing that is sometimes very rote.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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14 Jul 2017, 6:38 am

If someone gives me directions to a place, (sometimes I get lost and have to ask for clarification), & I have to go back to the place, I'll remember the route, even if I haven't been there for ages, if that makes sense. Not that I get out all that much.


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14 Jul 2017, 6:43 am

Sometimes I only remember the route by rote rather than by relating it to other routes or whatever.