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14 Jul 2017, 12:14 pm

(I'm not sure what forum this should go in)

Does anybody here experience motion sickness when driving or riding in a vehicle? I have heard that Autism and stomach issues are related in some ways, so I'm curious as to if there is a connection between often feeling nauseated in a car and having Autism.

I always try to ride in the front seat because it helps a little, but lately I have been getting sick on even short rides, such as to class 20 minutes from home and even to my friend's house which is less than 10 minutes away. It is worse when I am in my dad's van or my mom's SUV than when I am riding in a regular car for some reason. It is getting to the point where I need medicine every time I am in a car. I'm just wondering if anybody can relate and if there is anything I can do differently.

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14 Jul 2017, 1:25 pm

Sometimes I do, but sometimes everyone does, and usually for me, like for everyone, it's because I didn't eat, or ate too much.


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14 Jul 2017, 4:23 pm

Yes and the smaller the vehicle, the worse. Trains or planes usually don't make me sick. Cars are my worst nightmare.


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14 Jul 2017, 4:53 pm

My motion sickness keeps getting worse as I age. Elevators, most video games, any theme park ride makes me sick. Riding in a car isn't as bad atm.

I didnt have motion sickness as a kid but had poor hand eye coordination. Now my hand eye coordination has improved with age but my motion sickness has become a problem. Shrug.


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14 Jul 2017, 5:00 pm

Dont get travel sickness except seasickness but I get strong nausea/vertigo from video games.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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14 Jul 2017, 5:13 pm

I rarely get motion sickness. It seems like extreme hunger or being overheated will make me feel that way and the windy roads make it worse or reading. My daughter is NT and she gets motion sickness even on straight roads.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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14 Jul 2017, 5:29 pm

I have never had it in cars or on boats or any other time.


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14 Jul 2017, 6:31 pm

TheSilentOne wrote:
It is worse when I am in my dad's van or my mom's SUV than when I am riding in a regular car for some reason.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the distance you are away from the ground. Maybe the elevated position you have in a van or SUV has something to do with it - just chucking out that theory

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15 Jul 2017, 6:24 am

Not as an adult but as a kid I was always saying that my tummy felt funny when we were in the family car and especially when we went fast or over speed bumps or turned a sharp corner etc.


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15 Jul 2017, 7:21 am

As a child, I do if it's a long trip.
As an adult, not very much. Empty stomach of not.
I rarely ever did. But I usually get motion sickness in a rather ridiculous reasons. :lol:

I could take a wild ride of roller coaster, or a 20+ hour ride without sleep. I could take on any vehicles, whether slow/fast, or on land/water/air.
Yet I get dizzy on someone's constant feet tapping/leg shaking if were on the same table, or specifically playing the game of mine craft.

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15 Jul 2017, 7:28 am

SaveFerris wrote:
TheSilentOne wrote:
It is worse when I am in my dad's van or my mom's SUV than when I am riding in a regular car for some reason.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the distance you are away from the ground. Maybe the elevated position you have in a van or SUV has something to do with it - just chucking out that theory

It might. My sister's car never makes me feel sick. I guess it could also be the driver in part. My sister is a very cautious driver but my dad is more reckless. My mom is somewhere in between.

Noca, for me, it's getting worse as I get older too. I did feel this way a little as a kid too, but not anywhere near as often. I recall needing lots of Dramamine as my family went to Florida when I was seven and I was squished in between two people in the far back of a minivan :lol:

I can't do amusement park rides either.

Thank you for your replies, everybody! :)

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15 Jul 2017, 1:01 pm

TheSilentOne wrote:
SaveFerris wrote:
TheSilentOne wrote:
It is worse when I am in my dad's van or my mom's SUV than when I am riding in a regular car for some reason.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the distance you are away from the ground. Maybe the elevated position you have in a van or SUV has something to do with it - just chucking out that theory

It might. My sister's car never makes me feel sick. I guess it could also be the driver in part. My sister is a very cautious driver but my dad is more reckless. My mom is somewhere in between.

Noca, for me, it's getting worse as I get older too. I did feel this way a little as a kid too, but not anywhere near as often. I recall needing lots of Dramamine as my family went to Florida when I was seven and I was squished in between two people in the far back of a minivan :lol:

I can't do amusement park rides either.

Thank you for your replies, everybody! :)
I recall reading an article that stated motion sickness tends to get worse as you age in the general population, it is not unique to ASD. Do you ever use a Scopolamine patch for motion sickness? It is supposed to be the best med for motion sickness/vertigo.


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15 Jul 2017, 2:16 pm

I don't get motion sick easily, but my fear of it makes me avoid being on anything that moves as much as possible except for cars. :(

And it's really your ears, and the fluid inside them that control your balance, that causes motion sickness, so you should blame them, and of course your brain, for thinking that the body has ingested something poisonous when that fluid is getting sloshed around. And then your brain primitively tries rid your body of that non-existent poison the only way it really knows how. Violently. :eew:

My mother once told me she never gets motion sick even though she's been on planes and even ships. So why does she not get it when so many other people do? I guess the stuff inside her ears is like cement. :)