I have thought about why some people are popular and why some are not.
I have come to the conclusion that it is a lot about the life of the successful person who is visible on the surface that counts. The more rich and luxurious life somebody lives, the more other people wants to be in that clique too.
For example. I know a person in my presence who often jokes really insensitive with others but lives extremely luxurious and are really popular that he can say whatever the hell he wants.The person's spouse constantly post pictures showing their pompous mansion with climbing roses and other beautiful things all the time. Nobody knows this successful person well but everyone is still very active on the persons social media pages and commenting everything this person post even if it´s the same pictures for the 50th time, everybody wants to "help out and come over" to their house. To just to be a part of this luxurious lifestyle.
Sometimes I want to tell him that they probably only care because of the house he´s living in, and would not bother if he lived in a small apartment in a half bad area somewhere and were unemployed. But I would never, that´s just harsh.
Another example is a woman who does not live that luxurious, but she looks like a supermodel, always very tanned, well-groomed, slender, bleached teeth and a big fake smile on her lips. If it´s bad news someone arrives with, she just brush it off. Nobody really knows her well either, she dumps friends on a regular basis and meets new men all the time. But everyone wants to be part of her life, same thing, people comment on her pictures on the internet that she is hot, that she is this and that, they are so active in her life but would they if she gained alot and lost her fake smile? I think not.
These two people do have some charisma too, as many of us aspergers lacks (not according to me but according to others) but I can´t really cope that people are so superficial and these people not getting that? Or maybe they do but they just accept it and likes it?!
If I would lived in a mansion or looked like a supermodel, I would all the time be suspisious if people were too friendly but not even know me.
What do you think
I think this is sad, people are constantly drawn to successful people often just for superficial reasons .