AceofPens wrote:
I'm not sure that mine even counts as a delay. As a baby, I didn't vocalize at all, through senseless babbling or monosyllabic mimicking. My parents describe me as seeming "lost in [my] own world" during that period of development. I wouldn't engage with people when they tried to coax me to speak, and I didn't seem to pay attention to the noises and conversations people made around me. That continued until I was a year and a half old, when I suddenly began speaking coherently out of nowhere. Like Kraftie, I didn't have a first word. I began speaking in phrases right off.
That sounds very like the way my Mum describes me as an infant. I also seem to have been hyperlexic (precociously early reading, and in phrases rather than alphabetically) and I learned to walk (tip-toe style) before I ever crawled too, so I seem to have juggled my developmental milestones in quite a few areas!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.