I'm about to turn 26 and I've never been to a party, tried alcohol, tried any drugs, or really done anything remotely typical of others my age. I didn't even have my first kiss until I was 21 and it happened to be with my current partner so, at 25, I've only ever kissed one person. I'm constantly told that I'm very innocent and, honestly, sometimes I feel sad about it because I feel like I've missed out on experiences that I'm supposed to have. But when I really sit down and think about it, I wouldn't actually enjoy any of those experiences. Parties with crowds sounds miserable to me, alcohol and drugs don't appeal to me because I value my ability to think too much, and being with a lot of men doesn't sound fun to me because that sounds like a lot of social and emotional stress.
So I think there's nothing wrong with not being into these things and being innocent. They might be fun to other people, but if they're not fun to you, why force yourself to do them? As I've gotten older, I'm increasingly comfortable admitting to myself that even if other people are out having fun, I'm way more happy when I'm at home with a book. I mean, if you enjoy parties, I think you should go. But if you don't, is fitting in really worth being miserable?