Angnix wrote:
I had a HUGE meltdown yesterday and my relatives told us they couldn't handle it anymore, me and my husband have to leave by Friday! But this morning another relative offered to take us in... For the second time! The only reason we moved from his house before is because he had other renters back then we were not getting along with... Now it would be just this uncle, me and my husband...
Hitch though, it would involve another relocation and I just got a job here but I don't know if the autism place has work for me one county over... But my relatives here don't care about the job they want us gone!
I can't believe people can't be more understanding

Oh dear. That sounds absolutely awful. I've been in that situation a couple of times where I've been evicted from apartments for stimming or meltdowns that were too loud for my neighbours. I really feel for you here.
NTs will never have the understanding required for Autistics like us and our absolute need for emotional release in whatever form it takes. This is something that is as important to us as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. It is absolutely essential.
But NTs will always see us as nothing more than pathetic drama queens.
*** High Functioning Autism - Asperger's Syndrome ***
Keep calm and stim away.